West Coast Swing Intensive
By popular demand… book your weekend of October 23-24! We’re preparing an INTENSIVE weekend dedicated to WEST COAST SWING.
The formula in a nutshell
- Two days of intensive workshops + a dance party on Saturday evening
All in all
→ 6 hours of lessons
→ 3h / day (Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 4pm)
→ 1 evening, Saturday 8pm
1 single location
→ Studio Blue Mambo, 2750 chemin Ste-Foy, Quebec City
You can register for all workshops or for each course individually.
This fds will be perfect if you want to discover the fascinating world of WCS, brush up on your basics, perfect your technique, learn new moves, practice the opposite role or just have a good time.
Saturday 1-4pm: BASICS
We’ll cover the basics: push break, left side pass, under the arm, whip, inside turn, outside turn, sling shot, plus the essential WCS turn technique and a few surprise moves and variations.
→ Level: beginner.
→ Counterweight – 1 to 2 p.m.
If you want to spice up your dancing… you’re in for a treat! We’ll give you the technique you need to succeed in a multitude of variations, using a few concrete examples. We’ll touch on follow and lead counterweights. Counterweights are really fun to practice and not all that difficult. Here, of course, we’ll be using a WCS structure, but the technique can easily be transposed to many dance styles.
→ She leads! – 2pm to 3pm
When we start dancing, we often stigmatize the role of the follow to the person who lets themselves be guided and that of the lead to the person who directs the dance. In this course, we’ll look beyond this dogma and discover the more conversational aspect of dance. We’ll look at how the follow can suggest ideas and change the flow or timing of the dance. Leaders will learn to adapt to this, and to draw inspiration from their follow.
→ Dips – 3 to 4 pm
Here, we’ll simply have fun with different dips that will really enrich your dance. Dips are the best way to mark musical punches or finish a dance. We haven’t necessarily chosen the easiest ones, but it’s sure to be interesting. The counterweight workshop is not a prerequisite, but will certainly be useful to those who take it.
→ $80 for 6 hours (2 days)
→ $50 for 3 hours (1 day)
→ $20 per 1-hour class
→ Dance evening: $5
Please pay by cash, cheque or Interac transfer to [email protected].
Password: whip
Health instructions
Mask required at all times. Vaccination passport required. Maximum of 25 people in the room.
Write to Pulsation danse: [email protected].
Looking forward to seeing you and dancing with you!
Marie and Gaétan
The West Coast Swing Quebec gang (the yellow shirts)
[email protected].
Facebook Event : https://fb.me/e/4ElzSNKoQ