Port-O-Swing School

Port-O-Swing School

The Port-O-Swing dance school has been specializing in teaching Swing dances for 20 years. Our teachers specialize in Lindy Hop, Rockabilly Jive, West Coast Swing, Blues, Solo Jazz Step and Boogie Woogie. With the mission of transmitting the passion of Swing in a joyful and convivial atmosphere, the school offers classes, troupes and workshops, as well as social dance evenings open to the entire Swing community.

Discover Swing in our two dance studios, located in Basse-Ville and Ste-Foy, and travel back in time to the rhythms of Jazz and Rock N’ Roll.

Swing, a dance for everyone!

Visit them on their various platforms

Site web de l'école : portoswing.com
Page Facebook : facebook.com/portoswing